Sigh, wished that my mum could take a chill pill man! She's sooooo paranoid leh! She just freaking shouted at me when I told her I was still in Cathay at 1115PM. What's wronggggg, last bus not even gone she must learn to chill omg!!! She kept telling me that there'll not be any buses, what?! I didn't know she controls the buses.. Okay sorry I'm being mean nao, just need to let this out somewhere..
Went to PSB Academy w/ yiwen just nao but apparently when we got there it was raining cats and dogs and we were like soaked chickens hahaha. And the whole school just looked so sullen, so sulky.. Must be the rain!!! Lol. Met up w/ Jonathan&guys for a mini dinner gathering and played cards all the way! So fun, me likes!!! Hahaha. Shld play cards more often hehe! :) Okay I'm tired alrrrr, tmr work from 6PM to closing. :((( okay bye!
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