Saturday, September 26, 2009

T Ee Lynn: LMFAO! ♥ K, i wil post :D

T Priscilla: WHAAT. Hahahhaa, srsly?! Why? Urgh anyway the braces wire keep poking my gums very very irritating. LOL. Excited anot you!? We better meet up soon :)

I so need to post about the "sexciting" night i had!!!! Wait, i don't know where to start though .. Ok i went to sleep @ 12plus 1 AM. I toss & turn, toss & turn, toss & turn and SUDDENLY! Someone knocked onto the door @ 2plus AM and i obviously wasn't asleep yet. Asked my mum who was it then she mumbled that it was dad and started to walk towards his room while scolding him. Came back and asked me to sleep LOL. I still played Chess in my handphone for half an hr and i STILL wasn't tired. Thank goodness i fell asleep @3 AM cause i remembered i heard the clock strike 3 times. Sadly, i woke up @ 4.30AM AGAIN. LOL. And for that 1 and 1/2 hrs that i slept, i only dreamt about one thing, T. That's right, you're not seeing things, all i remembered was a BIG T in front of me when i was sleeping, LMFAO. Then i couldn't go back to sleep again. Played with Backgammon, another game in my handphone and the SOMEONE KNOCKED ONTO MY DOOOOOOR AGAIN!!!!

This time, my mum woke up, and guess what she did?! She quietly double-checked if i was asleep and tiptoe-d to my dad's room :OOOOOO I smell something fishy between them!!! Haha, why must she double check if i was asleep already?! Anyway, @ 5.30 AM she came back into the room AND BATHE. LOLOLOLOL! She bathed! & then i turned towards my sister, guess what she did!?!?! SHE LET OUT A VERY LOUD SIGH. LMFAOOO! I wanted to burst out laughing already! What's even cuter is that, it's only once! Like, *breathes in quietly ... HAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. ROFL! Ok not very funny here, but it's really very funny. LOL. I only managed to fall asleep @6AM. (*Pst- I like the sound of the engine of buses!)



Wtf! He sat beside me in a table SOMEMORE LEH! HAHAHAHA JEALOUS ANOT!? ♥ Anyway, there was this girl and we were happily chatting away. We happened to mention about Cassiopeias when suddenly Yunho cried *heart breaks. :( :( :( :( AND i cried with him asdklsd;fjhg!!! Then he said something like he's very worried blahblah can't really remember cause i just need to remember i dreamt of Yunho and he sat beside me LOL. THEN I TOLD HIM that i understand how he feels and because of this, he needs to be strong to lead the group ♥ then i HUG HIM!!! H.U.G I can't believe it! Maybe he dreamt about this with ME ME ME ME ME ♥ LMFAO. But anyway, is there a possibility that he might be having the same dream as me?! LOL K DON'T TELL ME I WANT TO BELIEVE THAT HE DID DREAM ABOUT THIS WITH ME ♥ I woke up with tears in my eyes i swear.

Woooh! So sexciting right♥ I can't believe my memory is so good at this point of time, ROFL. K i need to go now, toodles!


  1. i like that part about your parents. cause, i experienced something similar too. HAHA.

  2. I KNOW RIGHT! Everytime i ask my mum, she'll change the subject! I wonder what they're doing? LOLOL.
