I can seriously be the happiest girl, right now :P
You know, actually some things are better if you don't think/read too much into it. The more you read into it, the more you'll believe in it. The more you'll believe in it, the more you'll want it to happen to you. AND THEN!!! When it doesn't happen to you, bam! You'll feel like the whole world has crashed onto you, that feeling suck ttm! I know cause i've been through it, you know cause you've been through it as well, right!? So! To protect myself, and my teeny weeny heart .. I think i will just take one step at a time, let nature takes it's course and see what happens after that. So, the main point is ...
Wow ok i totally didn't expect to type this long but well since it's already this long, then just read it manxzx. Hahaha, i need to seriously brush up on my chinese! Anyone can help?! LOL. I think i might just fail damn badly if i were to go out to work in the future and people will be like 你好(blabbers some chinese sentences) and i'll be like what?! Rofl. Ok not funny meh? Laugh! :P Ok have i mentioned that i love reading my own posts, HAHAHA I AM SUCHA JOKER! Bet i just made your day, right?! Come on! Just say i did! If not i will emo to a corner and draw circles!